Board of Trustees
Board Members | Positions |
To contact the BOT directly email: | |
Katherine Greentree | Chairperson |
Robyn Curry | Principal |
Amelia Tu’itahi | Staff Representative |
Rebecca Lay | Vice Chairperson |
Vaha Tu’itahi | Parent Representative |
Ryan Bodman | Parent Representative |
Adrian Maka | Parent Representative |
Des Flynn | Co-Opted Board Member |

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Zone Consultation Information
Kia ora Te Papapa School whānau,
The Ministry of Education under Schedule 20 section 4 of the Education and Training Act 2020 is in the process of developing an enrolment scheme for Te Papapa School. The Ministry asked the board to put a zone in place as they have predicted a big growth in student enrolments in the future when the new housing development is completed. The board opposed the proposal of a zone initially and following a lot of discussion finally agreed to a zone that we thought best met the needs of our community but this will require an amendment to the present Oranga zone.
The proposed zone is available for viewing on the school website and from the school office.
Prior to our new proposed zone Oranga School had put a zone in place that we did not agree with. Consequently, we are in the process of setting our zone in consultation with the MOE alongside a proposed amendment to the present Oranga zone. This proposed amendment for Oranga School is available for viewing on the school website and from the school office.
We really need our community to support us in this new zone scheme to ensure the MOE supports the proposed equitable zone. The MOE wants written submissions/letters from our community supporting the new zone and giving reasons why. If you would like any help with doing this please contact Anita or myself at school.
Further guidelines, instructions, frequently asked questions and an online survey are available on the Ministry of Education website at
Members of the community are invited to send their feedback on the proposed changes to