Distance Learning Links during Alert Level 4
Click any of the buttons below to be directed to your class Facebook/Learning page.
Harakeke Rua with Matua Won
Harakeke 13 Facebook PageHarakeke Tahi with Whaea Kydene and Whaea Kris
Harakeke Tahi Facebook GroupTe Nikau with Mrs Farry
Te Nikau Facebook PageTe Whārangi with Whaea Clare
Te Wharangi Facebook PageTe Purapura with Whaea Anna
Te Purapura Facebook PagePohutukawa with Whaea Makareta
Pohutukawa BlogTe Karaka with Whaea Cindy
Te Karaka Facebook GroupTe Manawa with Whaea Sarah and Miss Driver
Te Manawa Facebook PageLe Manumea with Miss Vili
Le Manumea Facebook PageTe Tui with Matua Lance
Te Tui Facebook PageTe Tui Classroom Notebook
Te Tui Class NotebookTe Rito with Whaea Santana
Te Rito Facebook PageTe Rito Pōtiki with Whaea Xyla
Te Papapa School
Te Papapa School Facebook PageMicrosoft 365 Distance Learning during Alert Level 3
Instructions on how to log on to your child’s online learning using Microsoft 365